Practical use of robots and related technologies in counteraction to COVID-19 pandemic
Albert R. Efimov, Aleksei S. Gonnochenko, Dmitry B. Payson, Yuriy I. Dyugovanets, Victor A. Tsygankov, Svyatoslav D. Moroshkin, Boris I. Levitskii, Tatiana A. Volnova, Alexey V. Zuev
Teleoperation in extreme robotics
Boris A. Spassky
Acute problems of development of robotic Land Forces armament
Alexander E. Romanyuta, Anton L. Negara, Eugeniy A. Antokhin
End-to-end soft computing technology application to robotic unicycle intelligent robust control system
Sergey V. Ulyanov, Viktor S. Ulyanov
Collaborative manipulation robots programming with the use of augmented reality interface
Alexander Schwandt, Arkadij S. Yuschenko
Self-configurable complex of modular robots
Dmitriy A. Nikitin, Vladimir A. Zelenskiy