Requirements for Manuscripts

Requirements for Manuscripts

1. General minimum requirements
For publication in the journal Robotics and Technical Cybernetics we accept original, previously unpublished scientific and technical articles that meet the remit of the journal and meet these requirements.

2. Uniqueness of the text and publication ethics
Texts sent to the editors are tested for uniqueness. The share of the original author's text should be at least 70%. More information is available in the Publication Ethics section.

3. Volume of the article
Depending on the type of the paper, its length should be 20,000 - 35,000 characters with spaces, including tables.

4. Manuscript structure of the article

  • UDC index.
  • Type of the article (scientific, original; review, etc.).
  • Title of the paper.
  • Full names of all authors.
  • Affiliation of authors.
  • Abstract.
  • Keywords.
  • Acknowledgments.
  • Main text.
  • References.
  • Information about the authors.

5. Title of the paper
The title of the article should be written in lowercase and capital letters with capital letters distinguishing proper names, abbreviations, etc. It is prohibited to use abbreviations, except generally accepted.

6. Name of authors
Please note that the order of indication of the authors (alphabetical, by share or other) is chosen by the authors and is preserved when published. The variant of transliteration of their full names proposed by the authors is also saved.

7. Affiliation of authors
The full and abbreviated (in brackets) name of the organization is given. All components of affiliation, including the names of faculties, institutes inside universities, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, federal centers, etc., should be separated by commas. Affiliation should indicate the geographical location of the settlement where the work was carried out (the name of the settlement - the city, town, etc., the name of the district, region, province or republic), e-mail.

8. Abstract
The recommended volume of abstract is 1300-3000 characters with spaces, depending on the type of article. The abstract should briefly reflect the structure of the article, be informative and is intended to perform the function of an independent source of information. The abstract should be clearly structured, and also contain basic factual information and conclusions presented in the work. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract. Also, the abstract should not contain the text of the “Introduction” and “Conclusion”sections of the article. Structure of abstract includes the following aspects of the paper content: the subject, topic, purpose of the work; method or methodology of the work; research results; scope of results; findings. It’s not allowed quoting and citations of other works in the abstract.

9. Key words
The key word can be either one word or a word combination of two or more words (preferably in the singular) that carry the basic meaning. Keywords may not be present in the text, but only implied in it. A set of keywords is mainly used to search for information in resource databases. It is advisable not to duplicate those words that have already been used in the title in the keywords.

10. Acknowledgments
The “Acknowledgments” section contains information on the financial support of the research (funding organization, grant or project number, etc.).

11. The main text
The article should be divided into sections with headings. Be sure to stand out "Introduction" and "Conclusion". The remaining part may include data on the research methodology, experimental part, analysis, synthesis and explanation of own data or comparison of theories, conclusions and recommendations. These sections may be highlighted by thematic headings. All used lettering and abbreviations should be spelled out at the first use.

11.1 Page Layout
Page size - A4.
Fields: upper, lower - 20 mm, left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm.

11.2 Text Formatting
Arial font.
Font size (size) - 9 pt.
Line spacing - 13 (exactly).

11.3 Pagination
Pagination is carried out in Arabic numerals, should be transparent throughout the text, the page number is placed in the center of the bottom of the page.


11.4 Figures, diagrams, tables and graphs

Figure is provided in the form of single picture, and should not consist of separate elements. Text wrapping is not allowed. Each figure, chart, table or graph should be referenced in the text. Tables should contain headings; graphs, figures and diagrams should have captions.
Figures, charts and graphs are additionally provided as separate graphic files in jpeg (jpg) or tiff (tif) formats. Image size must be at least 2000 pixels by one side. Image quality should provide clear presentation of all details.

11.5 Formulas
Variables in the text and formulas should be typed using the embedded formula editor Math Type. Only formulas referenced in the text are numbered.

12. References
In-text citations should not be automatic, they are given in the text of the article in square brackets after the quotation (indicate the source number - [1], [2], etc.). All sources from the list of references must be cited in the text. References are numbered in the order they appear in the text of the article. Citation is made in Harvard style. At the end of the citation with the translation of the title of the article into English, an indication is given of the original language of the article, for example, (in Russ.), (In Chin.).

13. Information about the authors
This paragraph should contain information about each author of the article in Russian and English languages:
Full name of all authors.
Academic title and academic degree of each author.
Position, place of work of each author (full and abbreviated name of the organization, mailing address).
Contact information of each author: e-mail, telephone.
ORCID (if available).
Responsible author (the author to whom the authority to represent the interests of a group of authors is delegated, and with whom the editors will interact).

14. Set of documents
Covering letter (in free form) with the signature of the responsible author. The letter indicates the contact details of the responsible author for prompt communication with the editors (e-mail, telephone) and mailing address for sending the author's copy.
The manuscript of the article (structure in p. 4), printed on the two sides of standard A4 sheets, signed by all its authors.
The electronic version of the manuscript containing the following files: the main one (structure in p. 4), typed in a Microsoft Word text editor and designed in accordance with these requirements; files of figures, diagrams and graphs.

15. Manuscript Review Procedure
Upon receipt, the manuscript is evaluated for formal compliance with the general minimum requirements for publication, the requirements for the design and the set of documents completeness. The editorial board reserves the right not to publish in the journal articles that do not meet the requirements for publication (p.1-3). Materials for publication, designed out of accordance to the p. 4-14 of these requirements, will be returned to the author for revision. In the case of successful evaluation, the author is notified on this, and the manuscript is sent for peer-review.

16. The peer-review procedure
The journal “Robotics and Technical Cybernetics” has a double-blind peer-review system.
Articles, designed in accordance with the requirements, undergo a peer-review procedure. After reviewer’s observations, the manuscript is returned to the author for revision.
The author submits to the editors a revised version with a response to the peer-review signed by the author / authors (the responsible author on the instructions of the authors) with the date. In this case, the date of the article is considered the date of registration of the revised version of the article. In response to the observations of reviewers, it is necessary to pay attention to all the questions raised by the editor and reviewer, as well as to describe all the changes in the article in the response letter. With a negative review, the manuscript is not accepted for publication. After the review procedure, the article is sent for proofreading and editorial processing.

17. Approval of proofreading
The edited version of the article for the original layout of the journal issue in electronic form by e-mail or in another way is sent to the responsible author. The responsible author has the right, within a period of up to 5 working days, by e-mail to send to the editor his consent or objection on the proposed version, agreed with the other authors of the article. The responsible author may, within the specified time limit, personally in the editorial board, make corrections to the proofreading. If comments are not received by the editor within 5 working days, proofreading is considered to be coordinated. Comments after this deadline are not accepted.


You may consult on this requirements and paper submitting process by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Consultation on the requirements for manuscript is available from the editorial office by tel .: +7 (812) 552-13-25 or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Editorial office address: 21, Tikhoretsky pr., Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 194064, tel.: +7(812) 552-13-25 e-mail: