Acute problems of development of robotic Land Forces armament

Acute problems of development of robotic Land Forces armament

Alexander E. Romanyuta
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, 46 Central Research Institute, Head of Robotics Research and Test Center, 10, Chukotsky proezd, Moscow, 129327, Russia

Anton L. Negara
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, 46 Central Research Institute, Head of Research and Test Department, 10, Chukotsky proezd, Moscow, 129327, Russia

Eugeniy A. Antokhin
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, 46 Central Research Institute, Researh scientist, 10, Chukotsky proezd, Moscow, 129327, Russia, tel.: +7(962)984-65-17, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received 10 March 2020

The article deals with the problems that can be solved in modern combined arms combat with the use of robotic weapons, it proposes the requirements for ground-based robotic complexes for military purposes to be used as part of a weapons’ set for Land Forces. Based on the analysis of these requirements, a list of the most acute problems of the development of robotic armament for Land Forces is formulated. In order to accelerate the development, creation and implementation of ground-based robotic complexes for military purposes, a number of organizational and technical measures are proposed.

Key words
Military ground-based robotic complexes, models of robotic weapons, tactical scenarios of combat use, problem of operation and development of military ground-based robotic complexes.


Bibliographic description
Romanyuta, A., Negara, A. and Antokhin, E., 2020. Acute problems of development of robotic Land Forces armament. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 8(2), pp.112-118.

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