Problem of synthesis of the control system for a group of unmanned ground vehicles

Problem of synthesis of the control system for a group of unmanned ground vehicles

Alexander A. Tachkov
PhD in Technical Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Bauman Moscow State Technical University» (BMSTU), Science and Educational Center «Robotics», Department «Automated transport systems», Head of Department, 7, Izmaylovskaya pl., Moscow, 105037, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0002-8330-8750

Received September 15, 2022

The substantive and formal formulation of the control system synthesis problem for a group of unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) are considered in the article. The decomposition of this problem into a number of particular scientific problems is carried out, such as the problem of substantiating a structure of the control system, developing a method for determining the emergence of the control system, and developing a method for accessing the quality of a control system and the effectiveness of its application. It is shown that the distinctive features of the problem are the stochastic nature of the performance indicator (a probability of achieving the goal of the mission), the uncertainty of the conditions for applying the UGV’s group, and the large size of the design space of the control system. The problem of design space growth is demonstrated by a methodical example. To reduce the complexity of analyzing the size of the design space, we propose the decomposition approach consisting in substantiating the basic version of the structure of the control system and its initial decomposition. The novelty in the implementation of this approach lies in the joint consideration of the «group control method» and the principle of hierarchical of the group control system. This approach allows us to obtain basic solutions for the structure of the control system, and then carry out a parametric synthesis of the control system and conduct a comparative assessment of solutions according to the «Quality-Costs» concept.

Key words
Unmanned ground vehicle, control system, group of robots, system analysis, design, structural synthesis, effectiveness, curse of dimensionality.


Bibliographic description
Tachkov, A.A. (2023). Problem of synthesis of the control system for a group of unmanned ground vehicles. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 11(1), pp.51-59.

UDC identifier:


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