Review of robotics competition. Special and rescue underground robotics

Review of robotics competition. Special and rescue underground robotics

Roman V. Meshcheryakov
Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Research Scientist, 65, Profsoyuznaya ul., Moscow, 117997, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0002-1129-8434

Boris V. Ilyukhin
Research Center for Education Quality Assessment and Management Systems, FIRO, RANEPA, Director, 85, Vernadsky pr., Moscow, 119571, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0002-9439-9942

Received March 14, 2022

The development of robotics technologies requires an increase in the level of scientific and technical developments and the creation of a profile reserve, as well as the formation of a system for training highly qualified specialists. One of the ways to assess the achieved level of development and qualifications of engineering teams is to hold competitions at various levels. The article provides an overview of various events in competitive robotics. In the first part, the competition in the ground and underground environment is considered. The competitions are structured according to the format, type of the competition, the environment of functioning and the age of the participants. Conclusions are made about the prospects of various events of competitive robotics, as well as the relevance of some of them.

Key words
Robotics, competition, education, science.


Bibliographic description
Meshcheryakov, R.V. and Ilyukhin, B.V. (2023). Review of robotics competition. Special and rescue underground robotics. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 11(1), pp.5-11.

UDC identifier:


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