Blockchain technology application prospects in group robotics

Blockchain technology application prospects in group robotics

Donat Ya. Ivanov *
PhD in Technical Sciences, Southern Federal University, Senior Research Scientist, 2, Chekhova ul., GSP-284, Taganrog, Rostov Region, 347928, Russia, tel.: +7(918)519-18-69, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID 0000-0002-2221-0231

Received 13 June 2019

Research on the use of groups of robots to solve a common group tasks has been conducted in our country and abroad since the 1980s. Progress in the field of microelectronics, computing and sensor technology has made possible and economically feasible the use of small-sized groups of mass-produced robots. At present, both academic projects for studying the possibilities of robot group use and various commercial projects in the field of group robotics are known. In the framework of group robotics, the most relevant issues are on providing the information security. Preventing the unauthorized access to the information exchange in a group of robots and to interference with the control of some members of a group is an important task. In this regard, it is necessary to use information security mechanisms in multi-robot complexes, such as identification and authentication of group members, as well as systems for detecting unauthorized access to the control of individual group members (or emulation of disabled group members). Another important issue in the field of group robotics is to ensure good scalability in solving the problem of distributed decision making. As a part of this work, an analysis of the applicability of the blockchain technology in the design of control systems for groups of robots was carried out. The advantages of using this technology are shown. Technical difficulties are indicated and possible solutions are shown.

Key words
Blockchain, group of robots, information security, distributed decision making, latency.

This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 19-07-00907.


Bibliographic description
Ivanov, Ya. (2019). Blockchain technology application prospects in group robotics. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 7(4), pp.300-305.

UDC identifier:


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