Problems of appearance forming of the specialized robotic complexes

Problems of appearance forming of the specialized robotic complexes

Albert A. Vorobyov
Doctor of Technical Science, Senior Research Scientist, Logistics Military Academy of Army General A.V. Khruleva, Research and Development Institute for Military and System Research of the Russian Federation Military Logistics, Senior Research Scientist, 10A, Voskresenskaya naberezhnaya, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russia, tel.: +7(921)403-37-79, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vladislav V. Sergeyev
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Logistics Military Academy of Army General A.V. Khruleva, Military Institute (Engineering and Technical), Deputy Head of the Institute for Armament, 22, Zakharyevskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russia, tel.: +7(965)761-21-84, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received 26 July 2021

The article attempts to structure the subject area of the creation and use of specialized robotic systems. It is assumed that the results obtained by the authors will make it possible in the future to form a unified plan for the collective use of heterogeneous groups of robotic systems in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and to determine the tactical and technical requirements for separate robotic means.

Key words
Movement, heterogeneous groups of robotic complexes, robot, technical appearance, control, payload.


Bibliographic description
Vorobyov, A. and Sergeyev, V., 2021. Problems of appearance forming of the specialized robotic complexes. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 9(4), pp.312-320.

UDC identifier:
355.4: 004.896


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