Aleksandr A. Ivanov
PhD in Technical Sciences, Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (RTC), Leading Research Scientist, 21, Tikhoretsky pr., Saint Petersburg, 194064, Russia, tel.: +7(812)552-01-10, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Received 22 September 2021
For the previously proposed design of a modular underwater robot, a solid-state model of an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) with the possibility of changing the shape of the streamlined body during operation in a liquid environment has been developed. A technique for constructing assembly nodes in 3D CAD is proposed, which allows automating the determination of the position of the rigid node’s pressure center. For the assembly developed in the SolidWorks package and retrofitted in the SolidWorks Motion Add-on with models of drives and external influences and environment, modeling of the behavior dynamics of the system of solids in a liquid viscous medium for fixed configurations of the UUV and transients during transformation from one configuration to another was performed. Estimates of the coordinates of the center of mass and the center of pressure of the UUV in various configurations are obtained. Recommendations for refining the model have been developed. The article was prepared on the basis of the report at the 32nd International Conference Extreme Robotics [5] on the recommendation of the Conference Organizing Committee.
Key words
Dynamics modeling of system of solids, unmanned underwater vehicle, UUV, AUUV, mobile robot, hyper-redundant robot, computer design of machines and mechanisms, SolidWorks Motion, MCS.ADAMS.
The work was performed in the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation no. 075-00913-21-01.
Bibliographic description
Ivanov, A., 2021. Simulation of the motion dynamics of a modular unmanned underwater vehicle during reconfiguration in a liquid medium. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 9(4), pp.271-279.
UDC identifier:
Bocharov, L., 2009. Neobitaemye podvodnye apparaty: sostojanie i obshhie tendencii razvitija. Chast' 1 [Unmanned underwater vehicles: state and general development trends. Part 1]. Elektronika: Nauka, Tehnologija, Biznes, 7, pp.62-69. (in Russian).
Bocharov, L., 2009. Neobitaemye podvodnye apparaty: sostojanie i obshhie tendencii razvitija. Chast' 2 [Unmanned underwater vehicles: state and general development trends. Part 2]. Elektronika: Nauka, Tehnologija, Biznes, 8, pp.88-93. (in Russian).
Bojko, A., u.d. Katalog podvodnyh robotov [Underwater robots catalog]. Available at: <> (Accessed: 18 November 2021).
Ivanov, A.A. and Shmakov, O.A., 2021. Rekonfiguriruemyj giperizbytochnyj modul'nyj neobitaemyj podvodnyj apparat [Reconfigurable hyper redundant modular unmanned underwater apparatus]. Sbornik Tezisov 32-j Mezhdunarodnoj Nauchno-Tehnicheskoj Konferencii Ekstremal'naja Robototehnika [Collection of Abstracts of the 32nd International Scientific and Technical Conference on Extreme Robotics], pp.173-174. Available at: <> (Accessed: 18 November 2021).