Design and architecture solutions for service robot waiter with a specialized system of payload stabilization

Design and architecture solutions for service robot waiter with a specialized system of payload stabilization

Petr A. Smirnov
Saint Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS), Laboratory of Autonomous Robotic Systems, Postgraduate Student, Junior Research Scientist, 39, 14 line V.O., Saint Petersburg, 199178, Russia, tel.: +7(911)262-96-39, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received 23 December 2020

Application of robotic devices in subject domains, where monotonous routines have to be performed promptly and accurately, is a relevant problem, particularly in complicated epidemiological situations. In this paper the design of robot waiters is analyzed and a design is proposed for stabilization of payload during delivering. Common applied problems in the robotic service domain are associated with the need to use such robots on mostly even, flat surfaces or with the arrangement of special structures that simplify the movement of a robotic device along a given route. The proposed solution potentially provides for cheaper, simpler and more optimized application of the robotic device indoors, inside the restraunt due to the developed buffer mechanism and the system of gyroscopic stabilization of the trays, as well as the implemented control system based on the PID controller and the PWM generator, which ensures the smooth movement of the robot (from the starting point to the destination point). Based on the proposed solution, we get a fully functional robotic device that does not require additional investments in the reconstruction of the restaurant premises, completely replaces the waiter when delivering food and drinks to the client's table, and also attracts new customers due to its novelty and practicality.

Key words
Robot waiter, stabilization, PID-controller, buffer mechanism, gyroscope.


Bibliographic description
Smirnov, P., 2021. Design and architecture solutions for service robot waiter with a specialized system of payload stabilization. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 9(2), pp.151-160.

UDC identifier:


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