Il’ya A. Shipov
Joint Stock Company All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Signal (VNII Signal JSC), Deputy Head of Department, 57, Krupskaya ul., Kovrov, Vladimir region, 601903, Russia, tel.: 7(910)090-50-25, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0001-8960-6997
Evgeniy V. Vetoshkin
VNII Signal JSC, Head of Research and Production Complex, 57, Krupskaya ul., Kovrov, Vladimir region, 601903, Russia, tel.: +7(920)624-49-67, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0001-5566-6190
Received 02 October 2020
The article considers the experience of creating integrated navigation systems for ground robotic complexes. The main difficulties of choosing the instrument composition and element base in the conditions of domestic industry are outlined. A typical algorithm for prioritizing the initial data for the integrating and generating solutions algorithm for tasks of orientation and determining spatial position is described.
Key words
Ground navigation, robotic systems, integrated systems.
Bibliographic description
Shipov, I. and Vetoshkin, E., 2021. Integrated navigation of unmanned ground vehicles. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 9(2), pp.127-132.
UDC identifier:
- Vetoshkin, E.V., Shipov, I.A. and Morozov, A.V., 2020. Tekushchiy uroven' i potentsial razvitiya navigatsionnogo obespecheniya nazemnykh robototekhnicheskikh kompleksov [Current level and development potential of navigation support for ground-based robotic systems]. In: Sbornik dokladov «Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii ERA» [Proceedings of All-Russian scientific and technical conference ERA]. (in Russian).
- Shipov, I.A., Morozov, A.V., Karbulakov, A.S. and Burov, D.A., 2019. Razrabotka vysokotochnoy BINS dlya nazemnykh podvizhnykh ob"ektov [Development of high-precision platformless inertial navigation system for ground mobile objects]. In: Sbornik dokladov Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Navigatsiya-2019» [Proceedings of All-Russian Sxientific and Technical Conference on Navigation-2019]. (in Russian).
- Filippov, S.I., Matakhin, V.V., Shipov, I.A. and Petrov, A.V., 2017. Primenenie metodik i instrumentov sistemnoy inzhenerii pri sozdanii sistem nazemnoy navigatsii [Application of methods and tools of systems engineering in the creation of ground navigation systems]. Oboronnaya tekhnika, 11-12, pp.49–56. (in Russian).
- Matakhin, V.V., Shitikov, D.V. and Filippov, S.I., 2014. Evolyutsionnoe razvitie sistem navigatsii i topoprivyazki dlya nazemnykh podvizhnykh ob"ektov [Evolutionary development of navigation and topographic reference systems for ground mobile objects]. Oboronnaya tekhnika, 3-4. (in Russian).