Study of pointing system for implementation of optical communication of mobile robots

Study of pointing system for implementation of optical communication of mobile robots

Darya K. Stepanova
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) (MIPT), Systems Engineer, 9, Institutskiy pereulok, 141701, Dolgoprudnyj, Moscow region, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received 2 October 2020

Hardware and software solutions for high-precision pointing tasks have found application in various fields of robotics. For mobile robots operating in extreme conditions, pointing of instruments, data transmission systems and navigation devices is a task of prime importance. Using the visual system as a feedback, it is possible to achieve pointing of aircraft embedded instruments with high accuracy. The issues of interest for this work on the development of a high-frequency guidance control loop and its implementation using the visual system as feedback remain relevant for research. In the course of this work, a study was carried out for the use of such systems. Based on the previously derived requirements for the system, the architecture of the pointing system was developed. Next, a variant of the control system implementation was investigated to achieve the required accuracy of instrument pointing. In addition, hardware solution was considered and a system model was built taking into account the mutual influence of the pointing system drives, and with a closed control loop.

Key words
Pointing system, FPGA, image processing, control system.


Bibliographic description
Stepanova, D., 2021. Study of pointing system for implementation of optical communication of mobile robots. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 9(2), pp.91-98.

UDC identifier:


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