Prospects for application of robotic tools from the multifunctional robotic complex Kungas for solving humanitarian demining tasks

Prospects for application of robotic tools from the multifunctional robotic complex Kungas for solving humanitarian demining tasks

Eugeniy A. Antokhin
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, 46 Central Research Institute, Research Scientist, 10, Chukotsky proezd, Moscow, 129327, Russia, tel.: +7(962)984-65-17, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Leonid L. Voronin
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, 46 Central Research Institute, Research Sci-entist, 10, Chukotsky proezd, Moscow, 129327, Russia, tel.: +7(926)648-99-79, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alexander S. Gorsky
PhD in Technical Sciences, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, 46 Central Research Institute, Senior Research Scientist, 10, Chukotsky proezd, Moscow, 129327, Russia, tel.: +7(916)880-63-59, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received 27 April 2020

The article considers possible ways of using robotic tools from multifunctional robotic complex Kungas for humanitarian demining, substantiates the practical need for their use, and offers a list of necessary attachments for solving these tasks.

Key words
Humanitarian demining; demining robotic complex; multifunctional light class demining complex; explosion limiter; mine’s cryogenic cooling; multifunctional robotic complex Kungas; multifunctional demining complex Uran-6.


Bibliographic description
Antokhin, E., Voronin, L. and Gorsky, A., 2020. Prospects for application of robotic tools from the multifunctional robotic complex Kungas for solving humanitarian demining tasks. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 8(3), pp.175-180.

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