Victor S. Sokolov
Postgraduate Student, Sirius University of Science and Technology, Scientific Center for Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Direction «Mathematical Robotics and Artificial Intelligence», Junior Research Scientist, 12, Voskresenskaya ul., federal territory «Sirius», Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Danil D. Kulminskiy
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Sirius University of Science and Technology, Scientific Center for Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Direction «Mathematical Robotics and Artificial Intelligence», Research Scientist, 27, Parusnaya ul., federal territory «Sirius», Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0002-3936-2813
Received January 15, 2024
Threaded joints are widely used in the assembly process and consume many hours of the workers, despite availability of electrified tools. Most existing assembly automation approaches are neither adaptive nor robust, and therefore require the constant presence of an operator. Versatility in industrial robotic applications is mainly achieved by automatically changing instruments, programming robots efficiently, and using special mechanical fixtures for each specific operation. However, for a system to be versatile, it must be able to handle small changes in part geometry and positioning without the use of special fixtures and robot reprogramming. A prototype of an automatic threaded assembly system based on an IRB1600 industrial manipulator has been developed. Solutions are based on the force sensor software libraries and vision camera which are provided with the manipulator. Moreover, a low-level interface is also used, which ensures scalability of the solution to other platforms and manipulators.
Key words
Robotics, assembly, automation, industrial manipulator, force sensor.
The research was supported by the RSF grant No. 23-79-10213,
Bibliographic description
Sokolov, V.S. and Kulminskiy, D.D. (2024), "Prototype of a robust screw-thread assembly system based on industrial manipulator using force-torque control methods", Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 296-304, DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.12407. (in Russian).
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