Models of power quality improvement devices based on neural networks

Models of power quality improvement devices based on neural networks

Alexey V. Vyngra
PhD in Technical Sciences, Kherson Technical University, Head of Laboratory, 196, Tcentralnaya ul., Genichesk, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0003-0665-047Х

Sergei G. Chernyi
PhD in Technical Sciences, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU), Assistant Professor, 3, Lotsmanskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 190121, Russia; Kherson Technical University, Professor of the Department of Information Technologies, 196, Tcentralnaya ul., Genichesk, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0001-5702-3260

Received March 5, 2024

The paper examines aspects of the use of neural networks to improve the quality of electricity based on an active filter controller. An extensive analysis of power quality (PQ) indicators and existing PQ enhancement systems and devices was carried out. Modern domestic and foreign works devoted to research in the field of design and implementation of active filters, development of algorithms for generating a compensating signal of an active filter are considered. Aspects of the development of control systems based on neural networks are analyzed. As a result of the analysis, a simulation model of a parallel active filter was designed for a power supply network of limited power, which is a ship power system. A distinctive feature of such a system is the high internal resistance of the source, due to its relatively low power and commensurately high-power consumption of the nonlinear load. The active filter operating algorithm is implemented using a fairly well-known standard instantaneous power technique. A distinctive feature of the algorithm is the use of a trained two-layer neural network instead of a typical PID controller that controls the charge level of a capacitor that takes or releases reactive power from the network. The neural network is implemented using standard built-in functions of the MATLAB/Simulink modeling system. Training was carried out using compiled databases in the form of generated vector-column matrices during preliminary modeling, taking into account correction coefficients. As a result of modeling the operation of an active filter with a regulator based on neural networks, the following results were obtained: the deviation of the obtained data on the total harmonic coefficient of voltage components in the process of harmonic compensation was 0.1% (4.2% without compensation, 0.12% and 0.13% for compensation with a PID controller and a neural network, respectively). The results obtained allow us to judge the effectiveness of using neural network control as a component of control systems for power active filters. Further development of control systems based on neural networks in power quality improvement systems is possible at various stages of the filtering process, starting with the detection of harmonic and interharmonic distortion, processing signals from current and voltage sensors, and ending with the generation of a control signal for the power components of the filter. One of the significant disadvantages of control systems with the addition of neural networks is the need for microprocessor devices with high computing power and performance. However, given the rate of growth in the productivity of modern microprocessors, the data minus is temporary and will be eliminated in the near future. Thus, the research carried out showed the need for further in-depth study of the issues of neural network control in power electronics.

Key words
Power quality, harmonics, neural network, active filter.


Bibliographic description
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UDC identifier


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