Michael S. Andryushchenko
Doctor of Technical Science, Military Order of Zhukov Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Military Scientific Research, 1, ul. L. Pilyutova, Saint Petersburg, 198206, Russia, 125msa@mail.ru
Alexander M. Golik
Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Military Order of Zhukov Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Military Scientific Research, 1, ul. L. Pilyutova, Saint Petersburg, 198206, Russia, metr1956@yandex.ru
Sergey A. Sahnov
Military Order of Zhukov Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Adjunct of the Department of Military Scientific Research, 1, ul. L. Pilyutova, Saint Petersburg, 198206, Russia, sakhnov_1992@mail.ru
Sergey N. Tereshin
Military Order of Zhukov Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Adjunct of the Department of Military Scientific Research, 1, ul. L. Pilyutova, Saint Petersburg, 198206, Russia, sergeyterechin@yandex.ru
Received November 21, 2023
The article discusses a method for assessing the likelihood of a combat mission being accomplished by an unmanned aerial vehicle in conditions of countermeasure from attacked object. Countermeasures should be used when there is a threat of UAV intrusion into the territory of a protected facility or a direct attack on a guarded facility. The countermeasures process is divided into two main stages: detection (recognition, classification) of an attacking UAV and the effective countermeasure usage. When assessing the effectiveness of a countermeasures system, models are used: a UAV, a protected object, and the process of performing a combat mission by an unmanned aerial vehicle.
Key words
Unmanned aerial vehicle, detection system, countermeasures system, model, algorithm.
Bibliographic description
Andryushchenko, M.S., Golik, A.M., Sahnov, S.A. and Tereshin, S.N. (2024), "Methodology for assessing the likelihood of completing a given task by an unmanned aerial vehicle", Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 94-98, DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.12202. (in Russian).
UDC identifier
- Andrjushhenko, M.S., Golik, A.M. and Sahnov, S.A. (2023), "Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the system of counteraction to unmanned aerial vehicles", Izvestija Rossijskoj akademii raketnyh i artillerijskih nauk, 3(128), pp. 104-107, DOI: 10.53816/20753608_2023_3_104, EDN: HLCGXG.
- Andrjushhenko, M.S., Golik, A.M. and Sahnov, S.A. (2023), "The approaches to the organization of countermeasure to unmanned aerial vehicles", Izvestija Rossijskoj akademii raketnyh i artillerijskih nauk, 1(126), pp. 15-21, EDN: ATVFED.
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