Ensuring the safe operation of large AUVs by predicting and controlling their energy resources

Ensuring the safe operation of large AUVs by predicting and controlling their energy resources

Lyubov A. Martynova
Doctor of Technical Science, Senior Research Scientist, JSC Concern Central Research Institute Elektropribor, Leading Research Scientist, 30, Malaya Posadskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 197046, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0002-5613-0838

Received October 25, 2023

When operating large autonomous underwater vehicles, there is a danger of a shortage of energy resources due to their overcoming significant distances for a long time. To predict energy consumption and control the remaining electricity in sources, mathematical models of energy consumption by devices and mechanisms of the apparatus in various modes of operation have been developed. For this purpose, the most energy-intensive systems were identified: the main engine, vertical and horizontal thrusters, pumps of trim tanks. The developed mathematical models were used to predict energy consumption by consumers both at the stage of forming a route assignment and during the execution of a route assignment, taking into account changes in consumer operation parameters. At different acceleration speeds of the vehicles, the range of changes in energy consumption from minimum to maximum and the forecast period during which the change occurred were estimated. Forecasting using the developed mathematical models allows, at the planning stage of the route assignment, to assess the sufficiency of the energy resource for its full implementation and the arrival of the vehicles at the end point of the route. At the stage of completing the route assignment, forecasting allows you to constantly monitor the specific consumption of energy resources and also assess its sufficiency for arrival at the end point of the route. An algorithm has been developed for determining the current total energy consumption and the remaining energy reserve. The developed algorithms for forecasting and controlling energy resources have been tested using a mathematical model of the functioning of the vehicles. During the simulation of the vehicles execution of the route task, the processes of vehicles movement, its maneuvering along the course and depth, switching on/off its equipment, etc. were reproduced. Synchronously with the simulation of the functioning of the vehicles and its equipment, the assessment of current energy consumption, its forecasting and assessment of the remaining reserve of energy resources were carried out. Based on the simulation results, the total energy consumption for each element of the route assignment was determined, which was presented in a visual form on the operator's screen in the form of a Gantt chart.

Key words
Large autonomous underwater vehicles, energy consumption, mathematical simulation modeling, energy consumption forecasting.

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project 23-29-00803.


Bibliographic description
Martynova, L.A. (2024), "Ensuring the safe operation of large AUVs by predicting and controlling their energy resources", Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 85-93, DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.12201. (in Russian).

UDC identifier


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