Optimization of group control of robots in Arctic conditions

Optimization of group control of robots in Arctic conditions

Petr K. Shubin
PhD in Technical Sciences, Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (RTC), Head of Laboratory, 21, Tikhoretsky pr., Saint Petersburg, 194064, Russia, tel.: +7(812)552-05-69, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marina V. Kuleshova
RTC, Leading Engineer, 21, Tikhoretsky pr., Saint Petersburg, 194064, Russia, tel.: +7(812)552-05-69, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received September 26, 2023

The article discusses the principles of optimization of group control of robots in Arctic conditions. The concept of optimization in the classical formulation is inextricably linked with the basic concept of efficiency, which is the most complete and comprehensive characteristic of any purposeful system and expresses the expected degree of achievement of the goals of its functioning. Efficiency can be considered an integral, generalized characteristic of the system, covering all the properties, relationships and connections between its parts and elements for all time stages, paths and goals of functioning. The effectiveness of any system is quantified using an integral indicator or a set of partial indicators.

Key words
Robotic complex, universal rescue means, Arctic region, amphibious rescue means, group control.


Bibliographic description
Shubin, P.K. and Kuleshova, M.V. (2024), "Optimization of group control of robots in Arctic conditions", Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 31-35, DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.12104. (in Russian).

UDC identifier


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