Vyacheslav K. Abrosimov
Doctor of Technical Science, Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution Main Research and Testing Interspecific Center for Advanced Weapons Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (GNIIMTS PV), Leading Research Scientist, 10, Chukotsky proezd, Moscow, 129327, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID: 0000-0001-6701-2389
Yulia N. Matveeva
GNIIMTS PV, Junior Research Scientist, 10, Chukotsky proezd, Moscow, 129327, Russia
Received January 23, 2023
The main problem of machine learning for control systems of unmanned underwater vehicles is objectively very small samples of real data. The study aim was to develop an approach to the creation of synthetic data describing underwater objects for as the samples for training and validation in machine learning of control systems for autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles. The subject of the study was a variety of underwater objects because real information about the shape, size and their external images is very limited. The data augmentation method was used, which makes it possible to obtain additional data on underdetermined objects of observation from the initial data while maintaining the classification features. Eight models have been developed that imitate the influence of various factors of the aquatic environment and allow using various augmentation methods (changing the position, adding noise, glare to the image, defocusing to create fuzziness; fragmentation, etc.) to obtain an almost unlimited number of images of any objects of man-made activity immersed in underwater environment, to varying degrees similar to the reference. Examples of the use of augmentation models that take into account changes in illumination, transparency and the presence of an underwater landscape are given. Such synthetic (model) images may be the basis of a training set for machine learning to recognize and identify underwater objects. The trained model can be used as the basis of a decision support system for operators of remote-controlled unmanned underwater vehicles and as the basis for building control systems for autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles for monitoring underwater spaces.
Key words
Machine learning, augmentation, recognition, identification modeling, remote-controlled autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle, synthetic data.
Bibliographic description
Abrosimov, V.K. and Matveeva, Yu.N. (2023). "Synthetic data formation for machine learning recognition of underwater objects". Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 256-266, DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.11402. (in Russian).
UDC identifier
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