A technique for constructing depth map from images of orthogonally-divergent fisheye stereo

A technique for constructing depth map from images of orthogonally-divergent fisheye stereo

Viktor V. Varlashin
Graduate Student, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University (SPbPU), Research Engineer, 29, Politekhnicheskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 195251, Russia, tel.: +7(812)775-05-30, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received July 20, 2022

The issues of using a pair of orthogonally-divergent cameras with fisheye lenses in computer vision systems are considered. An algorithm has been developed for processing frames received from cameras to obtain a pair of rectified images. For a virtual model, the accuracy of constructing a scene depth map in the area of intersection of the cameras' fields of view was estimated.

Key words
Computer vision, stereo, fisheye lens, depth map, point cloud.

The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-38-90094 «Study of methods for estimating distances to environmental objects using a surround-view system of mobile robots».


Bibliographic description
Varlashin, V.V., 2022. A technique for constructing depth map from images of orthogonally-divergent fisheye stereo. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 10(3), pp.236-240.

UDC identifier:


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