Use of microelectromechanical measuring systems to stabilize the spatial position of the platform

Use of microelectromechanical measuring systems to stabilize the spatial position of the platform

Igor I. Dawlyud
PhD in Technical Sciences, Federal public state military educational institution of the higher education «Military educational scientific center of Navy «Military Naval academy of a name of the Admiral fleet Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov» (Military Training and Scientific Center of the Navy «Military Naval academy»), Lecturer, 17/1, Uchakowskay naberezhnaya, Saint Petersburg, 197045, Russia, tel.: +7(911)454-92-75, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received October 18, 2021.

With the growth of sea freight, as well as cargo operations at sea, in particular the transfer of cargo in difficult climatic conditions, there is a need for automated systems. Such systems can compensate for the disturbing effects of the rolling of ships and allow the safe transfer of cargo on the high seas. One such system is an automated cargo receiving platform located on the receiving vessel. To assess the feasibility of its construction and efficiency of work, a physical model of an automatic stabilized platform has been developed using micromechanical measuring systems that ensure its stabilization in the horizontal plane. In the course of building the model, its functional and kinematic diagram was developed. The problem of processing the received «raw» data from microelectromechanical sensors: a gyroscope and an accelerometer has been solved. Control algorithms are constructed using a PID controller in the program code, as well as a complementary filter for combining accelerometer and gyroscope readings. The work of the model is to keep the platform in a horizontal plane; regardless of the movement of the base (the vessel on which it is installed). The created model showed high efficiency, fast response, positioning accuracy. The stabilization system developed on the basis of the simulated one is capable of working in difficult conditions, ensuring safety when loading on the open sea. Based on the developed model of the automatic stabilized platform, the adaptive output control algorithms were tested.

Key words
Automatic platform, stabilization, external disturbance, sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, control algorithm, complementary filter, PID controller, loading.


Bibliographic description
Dawlyud, I., 2022. Use of microelectromechanical measuring systems to stabilize the spatial position of the platform. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 10(2), pp.141-148.

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