S.V. Lebedev
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI», Assistant, 5, Professora Popova str., Saint-Petersburg, 197376, Russia, tel.: +7(812)346-44-87, lebedev.sv.etu@gmail.com
M.G. Panteleyev
PhD in Technical Sciences, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI», Assistant Professor, 5, Professora Popova str., Saint-Petersburg, 197376, Russia, tel.: +7(812)346-44-87, MPanteleyev@gmail.com
The paper presents ontology-driven approach for development of situation assessment subsystem (SAS) for autonomous robots (ARs). Due to the use of ontology models and universal computation framework the proposed approach is applicable to a wide range of ARs. It allows reducing time costs and increasing quality of SAS development process. A specific example is presented to illustrate the proposed approach.
Key words
Situation assessment subsystem, intelligent agent, design ontology.
Year 2015 Issue number 4 Consecutive issue number 9 Pages 65-69
UDC identifier: 004.896, 004.414.2