Cognitive intelligent control of a robotic prosthesis arm. Part 1

Cognitive intelligent control of a robotic prosthesis arm. Part 1

Sergey V. Ulyanov
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Dubna State University, Institute of the System Analysis and Management, Professor, 19, Universitetskaya ul., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia, tel.: +7(49621)66010, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Andrey G. Reshetnikov
PhD in Technical Sciences, Dubna State University, Institute of the System Analysis and Management, Assistant Professor, 19, Universitetskaya ul., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia, tel.: +7(49621)66010, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Alexey V. Nemchaninov *
Dubna State University, Institute of the System Analysis and Management, Second Year Master Student, 19, Universitetskaya ul., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia, tel.: +7(962)249-65-76, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Received 06 September 2019 

The principles of interface «brain-computer-device» are considered. Neurointerfaces of this type allow to restore and expand the capabilities of a person with physical limitations (for example, disability with loss of limbs) or mental disorders in various activities (for example, autistic children or patients with impaired mental activity - dementia). Cognitive interfaces provide the ability to communicate, evaluate emotions, transfer and control devices with mental commands. The process of developing a cognitive intelligent simulator is discussed, the application of which provides developers with the ability to control robotic devices at the lower (executive) level, using the so-called «mental commands», and at the upper level - the intelligent level, to develop cognitive intelligent control technologies with the possibility of application in applied tasks. A description of the design stage and results of the development of the conceptual structure of a robotic prosthesis are given. As a result, a prototype of prosthesis made with use of 3D printer, conceptual structure of interaction of neural interface «brain-computer-device» as well as a settable basis for intelligent computing and for software are presented. The application of soft computing technology (the first step of IT) allows to extract knowledge directly from the physical signal of the electroencephalogram, as well as to form knowledge-based intelligent robust control of the lower performing level, taking into account the assessment of the patient's emotional state. The possibilities of applying quantum soft computing technologies (the second step of IT) in the processes of robust filtering of electroencephalogram signals for the formation of mental commands discussed. A description of a hierarchical intelligent control system based on SCOptKBTM (knowledge base optimizer) using soft and quantum computing technologies is presented.

Key words
Robotic prosthetic arm, intelligent cognitive computing, «brain-computer-device» neurointerface, mental commands, quantum soft computing, cognitive controller.

This work was carried out with financial, material and technical support of INESIS LLC (EFKO Group of Companies), and in association with Feng Maria (Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University).


Bibliographic description
Ulyanov, S., Reshetnikov, A. and Nemchaninov, A. (2019). Cognitive intelligent control of a robotic prosthesis arm. Part 1. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 7(4), pp.306-317.

UDC identifier:
004.415.2, 004.588


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