Task distribution in a group of heterogeneous robots based on Vickrey auction principle

Task distribution in a group of heterogeneous robots based on Vickrey auction principle

Alexander O. Zhukov
Doctor of Technical Science, Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering, Associate Professor, Head of Departmet of Special Radio Engineering Systems Development, 78, Vernadskogo pr., 119454, Moscow, Russia

Andrey K. Kulikov
Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering, Teaching Assistant, 78, Vernadskogo pr., 119454, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Irina V. Surovtсeva
Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering, Deputy Director of Research and Development Centre «Advanced Scientific and Engineering Projects», 252 ap., 17, ul. Teplyj Stan, 117465, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Received 19 September 2018

Methods of robots group interaction are analyzed. Interaction models for groups of robots of both foreign and domestic research teams are considered. Creation of the system of heterogeneous interaction of robots based on the optimization model is justified. The use of a Vickrey auction in the creation of the information system for control of heterogeneous robots groups is shown. Mathematical apparatus evaluating the applicability of robots was developed. The algorithm of distribution of functional possibilities between robots is developed. It is proposed to conduct field experiments in order to test the results.

Key words
Robots, interfaces, group interaction.


Bibliographic description
Zhukov, A., Kulikov, A. and Surovtceva, I. (2018). Task distribution in a group of heterogeneous robots based on Vickrey auction principle. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 4(21), pp.36-40.

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