P.A. Budko
Doctor of Technical Science, Public joint stock company «Information telecommunication technologies», Professor, Academic Secretary, 8, Kantemirovskaya ul., Saint-Petersburg, 1973424, Russia, tel.: +7(812)295-50-69, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
G.A. Zhukov
PhD in Technical Sciences, Public joint stock company «Information telecommunication technologies», Associate Professor, Adviser to the Chief Designer, 8, Kantemirovskaya ul., Saint-Petersburg, 1973424, Russia, tel.: +7(812)295-50-69, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I.A. Kuleshov
PhD in Military Sciences, Public joint stock company «Information telecommunication technologies», Associate Professor, First Deputy Director General for Science, 8, Kantemirovskaya ul., Saint-Petersburg, 1973424, Russia, tel.: +7(812)295-50-69, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yu.L. Nikolashin
PhD in Technical Sciences, Public joint stock company «Information telecommunication technologies», Associate Professor, Director, 8, Kantemirovskaya ul., Saint-Petersburg, 1973424, Russia, tel.: +7(812)295-50-69, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Received 5 November 2017.
Problems of choice of methods and paths of control for robotic complexes of sea basing as the link of the heterogeneous environment of shared information space of different physical media are considered. The combined use of radio-frequency lines of different wave ranges allows providing steady delivery of control instructions to the robotic complexes which are both in surface or in underwater (subglacial) position, is offered. Possibilities of channels of space, optic (laser), hydroacoustic and parametric communication are analyzed and also a comparative assessment of decameter and super long waves radio communication channels on delivering information to the robotic complex which is at great distance from control center, is given. Possibilities of efficiency increasing of the given mission execution for the mixed groups of the robotic complexes operating in various environments (space, air, water) are evaluated. Possible methods of information exchange between submersibles are considered, and an assessment of the maximum range in case of a data interchange between the deep-dipped objects via hydroacoustic channel is given. The originating difficulties in reasoning for options of distributed control systems creation of the mixed groups of robotic complexes consisting in impossibility of support of necessary stability of control links and interactions in group on boundaries of physical media and also by small ranges in support of hydroacoustic communication are revealed. The comparative characteristic of the main types of hydroacoustic communication modems of domestic and foreign manufacturers is given. Proposals on further increase in range of hydroacoustic communication at the expense of speed reduction of transmission and use of hydroacoustic modems of «parallel type» are formulated. Calculations of a rational number of the robotic complexes operating in group are given. The conclusion is drawn that essential improvement in efficiency of actions of the mixed robotic group is reached along with complex use of heterogeneous control links when finding robotic complexes in different environments, application of the methods based on the modern technologies of programmable radio with elements of cognitive radio systems, an artificial intelligence and neurobionics when processing of the accepted information during intensive information interaction on the basis of the general databases of distributed systems.
The research is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the frame of scientific project no. 16-29-04326 ofi_m.
Key words
Robotic complex, channel of space communication, decameter radio line, hydroacoustic communication, Dopler effect.
Bibliographic description
Budko, P., Zhukov, G., Kuleshov, I. and Nikolashin, Y. (2017). Methods and paths of control in heterogeneous environment for robotic complexes of sea basing. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 4(17), pp.28-40.
UDC identifier
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