A.I. Kalyaev
PhD in Technical Sciences, Southern Federal University, Senior Programmer, 2, Chekhova ul., GSP-284, Taganrog, Rostov Region, 347928, Russia, tel.: +7(8634)360-757, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I.A. Kalyaev
Doctor of Technical Science, Southern Federal University, Professor, Academician of the Rus-sian Academy of Sciences, 2, Chekhova ul., GSP-284, Taganrog, Rostov Region, 347928, Russia, tel.: +7(8634)360-757, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ya.S. Korovin
PhD in Technical Sciences, Southern Federal University, Director, 2, Chekhova ul., GSP-284, Taganrog, Rostov Region, 347928, Russia, tel.: +7(8634)360-757, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Development problem of the unmanned robot-based manufacturing including a number of the robotized machining centers with various functional purposes is considered. Their basis is an automated dispatcher with function of building of the given product's manufacturing plan as well as the plan of transfer operations for translocation of utilities and work materials. Organization of such manufarturing requires solving of two foundational tasks. First, it is necessary to work out a representation form of assignment for fabrication of required product, which would be understandable for the dispatcher and, secondly, to develop a method for automatic generation of the task execution plan (time-schedule). The task representation method for product manufacturing assignment in the form of the acyclic graph is suggested. For each peak of this graph certain operations are assigned. In this case arcs of the graph define the transfer operations of utilities and work materials. As well as the method of dispatching control with use of software agents physically realizable in controllers is provided.
Key words
Unmanned robot-based manufacturing, automated dispatcher, task graph, software agent, col-laborative interaction, agent operation algorithm.
Year 2016 Issue number 4 Consecutive issue number 13 Pages 4-12
UDC identifier: 658.5.011:007.52