Sergey G. Tsarichenko
Doctor of Technical Science, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Main Robotics Research and Test Center, Senior Research Scientist, 5, Seregina ul., Moscow, 125167, Russia, tel.: +7(903)722-61-94, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Evgeny V. Postnikov
Doctor of Technical Science, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI», Professor, 5, ul. Professora Popova, Saint-Petersburg, 197376, Russia, tel.: +7(962)680-15-79, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mikhail G. Panteleev *
PhD in Technical Sciences, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI», Assistant Professor, 5, ul. Professora Popova, Saint-Petersburg, 197376, Russia, tel.: +7(812)313-78-09, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Received 06 May 2019
The aim of the study is to develop the concept of the new generation virtual poligon for testing promising independently operated robotic systems (IORS). The need for the use of simulation modeling (SM) when testing IORS is due to key trends in the development of this class of sys-tems and the inability to conduct their full-scale tests in a variety of required conditions, for example, when countering robotic groups. One of the important problems is to check the firmware (software) of such systems in a wide range of conditions and scenarios of target application. The creation of an appropriate technological platform, along with the development of simulation environment and simulation tools for robots' test prototypes, also involves the development of a number of important methodological and organizational issues. The stages of the development of simulation models and their integration for testing in conjunction with the life cycle of the products created are highlighted. The possibility of independent development of simulation models of various IORS, their components and subsystems by various enterprises with relevant knowledge and subsequent integration of these models within a single simulation environment is important. The basic requirements for the simulation environment are formulated, the most important of which are versatility, openness and scalability. Taking into account these requirements, it is advisable to use the distributed simulation architecture – HLA (High Level Architecture) as a basic technology for creating a virtual polygon. At the same time, to test the onboard software of this class of systems, the key requirement is to support the real-time mode. Ensuring a high degree of autonomy involves the implementation of fulling the J. Boyd's cycle including intelligent subsystems for situational awareness and tactical planning onboard IORS. IORS are considered as intelligent real-time agents, and simulation of robotic groups is considered from the standpoint of modeling multi-agent systems. The architecture of a hybrid simulation environment for testing the IORS onboard software directly on the target platforms is proposed. The environment provides the ability to integrate simulation models of the physical objects (including models of physical robot platforms) with real onboard software and hardware platforms of IORS of different manufacturers.
Key words
Virtual polygon; robotic complexes with a high degree of autonomy; simulation modeling; HLA, High Level Architecture, multi-agent system; simulation environment architecture.
Bibliographic description
Tsarichenko, S., Postnikov, E. and Panteleev, M. (2019). The concept of a new generation virtual poligon based on multiagent technologies for verifying the software of the robotic complexes with a high degree of autonomy. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 7(3), pp.165-175.
UDC identifier:
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