A.K. Kulikov
Moscow Technological University (MIREA), Assistant, pr. Vernadskogo, 78, Moscow, 119454, Russia, tel.: +7(196)252-30-90, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The use of robotic systems raises a number of non-trivial issues including problem of providing sustainable and high-speed communication channel and robot's capability in various conditions.
While ensuring the operation of the robotic system in various operating conditions, it is necessary to give concideration to the software design features and to the representation of information, obtained by the operator from the robotic system. The paper is based on a conducted survey and forms a number of questions for future researches in this area.
Key words
Robots, interface, unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV.
Year 2016 Issue number 3 Consecutive issue number 12 Pages 30-33
UDC identifier: 004.514:007.52