S.F. Sergeev
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (RTC), Leading Researcher, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical Uni-versity (SPbPU), Professor, 21, Tikhoretsky pr., Saint-Petersburg, 194064, Russia, tel.: +7(911)995-09-29, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We discuss problems of obtaining and application of ergonomic knowledge into the practice of robotic systems and media designing in Russia, which can be associated with the traditions of engineering design that implements the concept of complete automation, based on technological models and concepts of the human psyche. Because of that there is a sharp reduction of the ergonomic qualities of developed products, and problems of management and communication in human-robotic systems appear. The transition to the new ergonomics' models of complex systems and man-made environments requires to complete designing scientific and methodological basis with synergistic visions of the work of self-organizing and evolving systems, to establish specialized research units, solving the problem of obtaining new knowledge and coordination of innovation activities. We analyze the perspective areas of engineering and psychological knowledge integration in task of creating new types of robotic systems.
The research is supported by the Russian Foundation for Humanities within the framework of the scientific project no. 15-06-10640.
Key words
Human factors, ergonomics, robotics, robots, man-made environment, self-organization, interfaces.
Year 2016 Issue number 3 Consecutive issue number 12 Pages 10-13
UDC identifier: 004.896:331.101.1:64.011.34