V.V. Chernyshev
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Volgograd State Technical University (VSTU), Professor, 28, Lenin pr., Volgograd, 400005, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

V.V. Arykantsev
VSTU, Postgraduate Student, 28, Lenin pr., Volgograd, 400005, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

In conditions of increasing deficit of mineral raw materials the heighten interest in development of the underwater mineral deposits appears. Important role among machines for seabed resource development goes to self-mobile sea-bottom assemblies. Track-type vehicles are already used in the function of self-mobile sea-bottom winning and geological prospecting assemblies. However seafloor conditions, characterised by rugged relief and low load-bearing strength of bottom soil, frequently disable traditional driver types. Technical features of underwater six-legged walking vehicle MAK-1, designed for shallow work, are discussed in this paper. Possibilities to improve adaptive characteristics of vehicle's cyclic walking locomotors are considered. Some results of legged vehicle subwater testing are given. It was demonstrated that in underwater conditions walking machines and robots by haulage capacity of ground and specific floatation essentially surpass traditional vehicles. Results of work can be in demand during development of robotic systems, designed for advanced industrial thechnology for seabed resources development.

Key words
Underwater vehicles, mobile robots, walking locomotor, cyclic walking motion, adaptation to the bearing surface, interaction with soil, field testing.

Year 2015 Issue number 2 Consecutive issue number 7 Pages 45-50
UDC identifier: 627.02:007.52


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