P.P. Belonozhko
PhD in Technical Sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Senior Lecturer, 5, 2-ya Baumanskaya ul., Moscow, 105005, Russia, tel.: +7(915)279-77-18, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prospects of space robotics are particularly connected with creation of new object classes which are currently free of operating analogues. However realizability of large-size multifunction upgradable space systems in some cases can depend on feasibility of robotic facilities use.
Concept of installation-service autonomous robotic space modules, performing grip of assembled structure fragments, delivering them to the assembly site and positioning in operational state by manipulator, is considered.
Mobility of basement, specified by the space application specific of such systems, causes a set of features both for their operating and for the controlled motion dynamic simulation. Potentional multiplicity of the modes of installation-service autonomous robotic space modules determines a necessity for follow-up studies along with their development, construction and operation.
Peculiarities of possible characteristic operation modes are highlighted.
Key words
Large-size multifunction upgradable space systems, on-orbit assembly, installation-service autonomous robotic space modules, manipulator, mobility of basement, operation modes.
Year 2015 Issue number 2 Consecutive issue number 7 Pages 18-23
UDC identifier: 007.52:629.78