Arkadij S. Yuschenko
Doctor of Technical Science, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Robotic Systems and Mechatronics Department, Professor, Head of Сhair, 5-1, 2-ya Baumanskaya ul., Moscow, 105005, Russia, tel.: +7(916)524-09-97, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Received 08 April 2019
Together with development of information technology and artificial intelligence robotics intended to enlighten the more and more area of human’s life and work. It results in change of the method of communication between human and «intelligence» robot capable of autonomous behavior – form control to collaboration. The new branch of robotics has been formed nowadays as a collaborative robotics. The new way of application of robotics create the new problems of communication of human and «intelligence» robot which are not only technical but also of psychological and physiological kind because human-operator now becomes a part of the human-robot system. It is possible that the new problems will demand the development of new methods in the field of cognitive ergonomics. The analytic survey below discovers some of the problems.
Key words
Collaborative robotics, human-operator, artificial intelligence, speech dialogue, cognitive ergonomics, multimodal interface, information perception, multi-agent system.
Bibliographic description
Yuschenko, A. (2019). Ergonomic problems of collaborative robotics. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 7(2), pp.85-93.
UDC identifier:
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