D.Ya. Ivanov
Southern Federal University, Junior Research Scientist, 2, Chekhova ul., GSP-284, Taganrog, Rostov Region, 347928, Russia, tel.: +7(918)51-91-869, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Aspects of the mobile robots group application and their typical tasks are discussed. The urgency of the formation task within a group of mobile robots is shown. There are some features of different decentralized control strategies. The control strategy, based on swarm intelligence, is grounded.
The article contains the formal statement of the problem of the formation task within a large group or mobile ro-bots. There is a brief analysis of well-known approaches for formation task.
The original method of formations within a large group of mobile robots is proposed. The method is based on principles of swarm intelligence. It uses clustering in a group, where each cluster forms a single part of the target formation, named «pattern». After forming patterns in clusters, all patterns merge with each other. The method for complex formations forming with some levels of patterns is proposed.
Work is completed in framework of Government assignment implementation (2016 f.y. no 007-01114-16 PR, project no 0256-2015-0079) and is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects no. 14-08-01176-а, no. 16-08-00875-а).
Key words
Swarm intelligence, mobile robot, formation task, group robotics.
Year 2016 Issue number 2 Consecutive issue number 11 Pages 39-44
UDC identifier: 004.896:007.52