S.F. Jatsun
Doctor of Technical Sciences, South-West State University (SWSU), Head of chair, ul. 50 Let Octyabrya, 94, Kursk, Russia, tel.: +7(4712)52-38-07, teormeh@inbox.ru
L.Yu. Volkova
South-West State University (SWSU), Assistant, ul. 50 Let Octyabrya, 94, Kursk, Russia, tel.: +7(4712)52-38-07, teormeh@inbox.ru
A.V. Vorochaev
South-West State University (SWSU),Assistant engineer, ul. 50 Let Octyabrya, 94, Kursk, Russia, tel.: +7(4712)52-38-07, teormeh@inbox.ru
In this paper the schematic structure of the four-bar link jumping robot is submitted. The mathematical model of robot's motion is developed, within which the «jump» is described as sequence of phases. In the result, dependen-cies of the height and the length of jump on lift-off parameters are received.
Key words
Jumping robot, multi-link mechanism, jump stages, positioning, lift-off, flight, landing.
Year 2014 Issue number 1 Consecutive issue number 2 Pages 27-32
UDC identifier: 007.52