Efficiency improvement of work performance on radioactive waste decommissioning and handling by means of robotics

Efficiency improvement of work performance on radioactive waste decommissioning and handling by means of robotics

Nataliya N. Safronova
PhD in Economics, Rosenergoatom JSC, Head of Nuclear Decommissioning Control Department, 3a, Holodil'nyj pereulok, Moscow, 115191, Russia, tel.: +7(495)647-41-89

Victor G. Volkov
Doctor of Technical Science, Rosenergoatom JSC, Deputy Head of Department of Decommissioning Prospective Development in Pilot Demonstration and Engineering Center, 3a, Holodil'nyj pereulok, Moscow, 115191, Russia, tel.: +7(495)647-41-89

Received 1 November 2018

Experience of robotic systems use during nuclear power units decommissioning in Russian Federation and in other countries is outlined ant summarized. Plan of further development of those works in Russia is presented.

Key words
Safety of atomic industry, nuclear power units decommissioning, multipurpose research reactor.


Bibliographic description
Safronova, N. and Volkov, V. (2018). Efficiency improvement of work performance on radioactive waste decommissioning and handling by means of robotics. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 4(21), pp.20-23.

UDC identifier:


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