V.I. Gorodetsky
Doctor of Technical Science, Saint-Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS), Professor, Head of Laboratory, 39, 14 line V.O., Saint-Petersburg, 199178, Russia, tel.: +7(812)323-35-70, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This paper presents various aspects of development and software implementation of distributed control system for robot cooperative behaviour during autonomous mission. Concept of mobile robots' autonomous mission is elaborated, and some basic problems to solve when developing and implementing in software such control systems are considered. Summary on current theories and models of robot cooperative behaviour (autonomous agents) and on supporting them software tools is given. Reconsideration necessity for known models of robot cooperative behaviour in order to improve their efficiency is justified. The main result of this work is the demonstrational prototype of software system for cooperative behaviour control of underwater robots performing autonomous mission of seaports's underwater space surveillance.
Through this example the pecularities of used model of underwater robots cooperative behaviour are shown, concrete action scenarios are reviewed, and software implementation features of control are described, also the components of software-communication infrastructure supporting robot-to-robot communication and interaction during group collaboration are considered.
This research is supported by Russian Foundation for the Humanities (project 16-11-10090); also it was carried out in interest of publicly-funded research areas of St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS) (project 0073-2015-0003).
The paper is a heavily-modified adaptation of the article [19], taking into account new possibilities of state-of-the-art IT solutions in a part of system construction concept of robot cooperative behaviour during autonomous mission.
Key words
Cooperative behaviour, robot team, autonomous agents, coordination, software-communication infrastructure, software prototype.

Year 2016 Issue number 1 Consecutive issue number 10 Pages 40-54
UDC identifier: 004.896:62-5:007.52


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